From Aboriginal to God

Humanity is currently undergoing a process of global evolution. Ancient, hidden knowledge of our ancestors is becoming accessible to people. Delve into the revelation of Kamallaya’s discourse on the 13 Levels of Consciousness, a path that unveils the hidden secrets to attaining the Consciousness of God. Kamallaya’s insights bring profound awareness of this sacred path through the Brain of God, shedding light on how humanity can open an access to the highest levels of consciousness.

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In this transformative meeting

  • You will unpack the secret ancient knowledge of our ancestors who went through a similar path of evolution.
  • You will understand what could be detrimental to the body during the process of raising Earth’s frequencies.
  • You will find out where in consciousness the way out of the old neural network of awareness is.


This is known by astrologers, tarot readers, DNA researchers, and so on. Everything you see around you is an expression of a program. Yet, people lack the knowledge to control, direct, or even observe it. Uncontrolled development is also a program, which means a person develops the past. People yearn to find themselves, but what they truly need is to unfold themselves, to remember themselves through awakening the memory cells and dormant layers of the brain. Remembering oneself is not about simply recalling past events; it’s about harnessing the incredible power of the brain. The thinking system of modern humans survives solely through reflexes and impulses that have been unconsciously embedded in neural connections, or more accurately, it can be said that it unconsciously lives out programmed patterns.


stress and survival programs are automatically activated, which block the evolution of consciousness. Due to an abundance of destructive thoughts and emotions, people lose connection with their body. However, there is an absolute way out of the crisis into a space of peace, harmony, and love through the awakening of the Brain of God.

When your brain becomes a vessel for perfected genetic data, it gains the ability to process high-frequency information of high-frequency fields of space.

The Path of Brain Exploration

lies in the recollection of the Absolute, the pinnacle of human experience. However, to comprehend the Forces of the Heavens, one must possess an integrated brain structure.


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The time has come to no longer anticipate the blows of fate, but to embrace change now, by nurturing and expanding our brains daily, and filling our Hearts with cosmic abundance in every moment.

  • My life is divided into two stages that go sequentially, replacing each other: a recluse and an active social figure in the service of life. Simply put: Spirit/Love and an active manager of global companies. I can be in a state of retreat for years, but as soon as I come out of deep immersion, I act for years to realize the potential brought. This potential does not belong to me, I am a conductor. This is the potential of a Creator for everyone who needs it. I give myself entirely to the inner in order to bring it to the outer world. My mission is Love. Through my actions, experience and deeds, I show that spiritual growth and love is found not only in silence, but also in an active way of action; in all business structures there lives the Creator who creates, renews himself, constructing new worlds.

13 levels of consciousness 

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