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Karma ends its «game». The planets are changing their positions, the energies of the Earth are changing. Multiple scenarios of survival, suffering, and the pursuit of money can and should be replaced by scenarios of freedom and absolute happiness when you are in union with your Higher Aspects.

It is your Original memory cell that leads you to synchronize with it in order to unfold a new life, make the transition to a place where you are absolutely happy. Stop trying to change what you are not happy with in your life. Accept everything with love and MAKE THE TRANSITION. A COMPLETELY NEW LIFE is waiting for you. The life full of wonders, LIVING presence of support, Love and Care for you by Higher Powers.

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«We are here to bring an example of a new life form, to launch platforms of awakening in the higher worlds of life, to reproduce a direct trans-transmission, a transaction of new possibilities and multi abilities, transpersonal programs of multidimensional network of New Consciousness and neural quantum energies of the New World, Merkabah energies, Paradise energies, a network of crystalline (merkabic) Primordial memory and connection with the Living Presence of the fundamental higher All-Wisdom and your True Power»

Anna Kamallaya Hefors

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Activation of the Awakened Power and Space

The awakening of the sleeping power and the expansion of your consciousness. Your consciousness will expand at the cellular level, allowing you to perceive the world from the center of each cell. This higher state of consciousness will give you control over your reality.

Activation of Memory Cells

The return of the memory of the Original Man — God, the realization of the true reality of being beyond the limits of what has been studied and described on Earth.

Freedom from Karmic Scenarios

You will get rid of karmic scenarios and astral influences that limit your freedom.

Ancient Teachings and Knowledge

You will be given ancient knowledge that was previously only available to a select few.

Oneness with Outer Space

Due to the high frequency of vibration on the wave of the Golden Ratio, you arrive in a state of connection with outer space, which previously could only be achieved after years of meditation at a distance from society. Now it becomes possible to get it directly while listening to initiations.

Love and Connection with Home

You will feel the deepest love for all living things, as a result of opening the heart and uniting with the Cosmic Mind that builds worlds out of love. You will feel the fields of ethereal space that come to life with the sound of a wave of Love.

Sacred Geometry of your Brain

You will learn about the sacred structure of your brain, about the geometry of the neural network, which gives access to unity with the Spirit.

Cosmic Navigator

You will learn about the Cosmic Navigator, which in many ancient lore was associated with the Stairway to Heaven.


That you seek everywhere: peace, harmony, love, self-confidence.


Our loving care team is ready to answer all your questions and support you on your journey. You have never seen such love anywhere else!

And this is only a small part of what is truly revealed through the Golden Genome path. Here, there is much more being transmitted then you can imagine. But how much would you be able to apply - it only depends on you.



How to make the transition to superconsciousness

How to meet your true other half

How the regeneration/rejuvenation process takes place




How to achieve absolute healing of the Soul and body


YOU WILL LEARN A LOT MORE THAN LISTED HERE. THE MAIN THING IS THAT YOU WILL BE ABLE TO APPLY KNOWLEDGE TO ANY AREA OF YOUR LIFE. Changes will follow as quickly as you are ready to accept them into your life. 

Superhuman is...

the bearer of the ignited Merkaba

— the electromagnetic field, the Solar Genome. This is a «perpetual motion machine», which generates energy, produces the energy commencement. The Cosmos has its own DNA, we have our own DNA, and the space where we live has its own DNA. Our DNA is within the DNA of space. This is a complex cell that has its own individual geometry, and can produce light and absorb it.

The Superhuman is the carrier of a complex cell

— the torus, which absorbs the crystal grid of the Earth, the Cosmic system, the Galaxy, and so on. The body is designed in such a way that we can constantly generate energy, opening our toroidal fields to the torus of the Primary Memory Cell, producing light — free electricity.

We must accept, realize 

the interaction of the DNA of the body and space, which is similar to the work of the amino acids in our brain. 

The building blocks of our brain

are complex molecules that are geometrically synchronous with Cosmic fields when we come to them in consciousness. At this moment, weak, low-vibration molecules disintegrate, a person transitions into oneness with the Brain of the Cosmos through the merging of the tori. 

Through the brain, in unity with the heart,

radiating a wave of the perfect Golden Ratio, we have a connection with the highest form of existence.

The creation of a harmonious torsion field, 

with a perfect geometry of Divine proportion in the region of the head center, activates the pineal gland and its luminosity. Protein biosynthesis on a wave of Divine proportion gives access to the trajectory of a wave of love in the Genome, and leads to the ignition of DNA, the ignited Merkaba field — the Golden Genome. 

The sacred space of the heart, 

the opening of the thymus, synchronization with Universal Love gives the natural activation of the pineal gland from the Source of Love.

Superhuman is... 

What does the project

«GOLDEN GENOME» include?

  • 12-month path. The «Golden Genome» path is a comprehensive 12-month course. It involves direct learning through Higher Beings, a journey into Higher Planes of existence, and a transition to other life platforms. This includes undergoing learning on other planets while remaining in the physical body, gaining knowledge of different dimensions and forms of life in other worlds.
  • Access to the 89 recorded audio filesGain access to 89 powerful meetings, each lasting 1.5 hours, which will guide you to the path of accepting yourself and the world around you. These meetings will open up for you along the journey.
  • 70 initiations. Complete 70 initiations during the course, each aimed at revealing specific aspects of the brain and unlocking its potential.
  • 10 additional initiations and meeting. Each level includes extra initiations and meetings that will bring harmony and Love into your life.
  • Support at every step from our loving care team. They are ready to answer all your questions and support you on your journey. You have never seen such love anywhere else!

  • 12-month path. The «Golden Genome» path is a comprehensive 12-month course. It involves direct learning through Higher Beings, a journey into Higher Planes of existence, and a transition to other life platforms. This includes undergoing learning on other planets while remaining in the physical body, gaining knowledge of different dimensions and forms of life in other worlds.
  • Access to the 89 recorded audio filesGain access to 89 powerful meetings, each lasting 1.5 hours, which will guide you to the path of accepting yourself and the world around you. These meetings will open up for you along the journey.
  • 70 initiations. Complete 70 initiations during the course, each aimed at revealing specific aspects of the brain and unlocking its potential.
  • 10 additional initiations and meetings. Each level includes extra initiations and meetings that will bring harmony and Love into your life.
  • Support at every step from our loving care team. They are ready to answer all your questions and support you on your journey. You have never seen such love anywhere else!

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Level 1: Planetary codes of the Superhuman’s genome

3 months

Complete cleansing of all Subtle bodies from mental debris, poisons, destructive and negative energies, all decays, superficial energies and karmic nodes, programs of influence, oaths, promises, magic from all incarnations and the entire Genus. The connection of all your bodies from all planes, the call of all parts of the Soul into a Single Whole. The 21 codes of the Upper House are frequency, range, impulse with the consciousness of the field of Light and Love. Increasing the frequencies of consciousness up to the Original Planetary Codes of Superhuman. Genetic data of the Primordial Man memory codons.

  • 21 codes of original genetic memory (primary consciousness)
  • 5 additional online-meetings that unlock cellular memory
  • 39 hours spent on the frequency of love
  • Complete cleansing of all subtle bodies, karma balancing

    Level 2: Cosmic codes of the Superhuman’s genome

    3 months

    At this level there are those who are pure and free from planetary bindings and karma. You are making a transition into the space of Primordial Genetics, where memory codon crystals carry the records of your happy life, free from the bonds of the old network of consciousness. Expansion of the heart center and filling with high-frequency energies. Activation of dormant layers of the brain. Increasing the frequencies of consciousness up to the Original Cosmic Codes of the Superhuman.

    • 21 codes of original genetic memory (primary consciousness
    • 5 additional online-meetings that unlock cellular memory
    • 39 hours spent on the frequency of Love
    • Increasing the frequencies of consciousness to the Primordial Cosmic Codes of the Superhuman

    Level 3: Secret codes of the Superhuman’s genome

    3 months

    Awakening, leaving the atomic body of the structure, gaining the body of luminosity — the free electricity of quantum consciousness. Connecting with your First Projection. The most long-awaited level for the Soul of all who are incarnated. At this stage of the evolutionary development of your Soul, you will become absolutely free from all attachments, complete purification of karma, exit from all games and matrices. By the enlightened, this stage of evolution is called «The Descent of the Holy Spirit». Increasing the frequencies of consciousness to the Original Unified Codes of the Superhuman. Activation of Secret layers of the brain. The exit from all matrices, the absolute replacement of the body of consciousness with the Super Consciousness — Divine Consciousness.

    • 22 codes of original genetic memory (primary consciousness)
    • Graduation with Kamallaya and Rafael
    • 34 hours spent on the frequency of Love
    • Absolute replacement of the body of consciousness by Superconsciousness — Divine Consciousness.



    This level is included in the 3rd level of the «Golden Genome»

    Obtaining sacred knowledge about the structure of the Universe, about the Primary network of consciousness of the level of awareness of the wisdom of Cosmic education. Transmission (retransmission) of messages to humanity from the Universal Community of Various Civilizations.

    • 7 online-meetings on the Secrets of the Universe 
    • Secrets of the Grail

    Level 4: Quantum Brain (Brain of God)

    This level is purchasable after completing the 3 levels of «Golden Genome»

    If there is no symmetry in the brain and no power in consciousness, then a person loses connection with his brain and body. He falls into the trap of dependence on reactions, emotions, body chemistry. There is the need to improve oneself, one’s brain in synchrony with the central unified energy system — the heart of all that is.

    The path of knowing the brain is the Absolute’s path of remembering and the highest human experience. To know the Heavenly Forces, it is necessary to have a single, integral body of the brain. The brain is a formula that has its perfect proportions.

    • 13 Unified Brain activations
    • 22 hours spent on the frequency of Love
    • 13 instructions from the original Home
    • Gift initiation «Synchronization of the two hemispheres of the brain»

     level 5: Consciousness of Buddha

    This additional level is purchasable after completing the 4 levels of «Golden Genome» 

    The level of Buddha Consciousness is the seven encounters after passing through all three levels of the Golden Genome. At these meetings, we fix all received Brain Stations and move into the Unknown world of the Divine Realm of Light and Love.

    • 7 online-meetings of the primordial Home
    • Anchoring 64 Aspects of the Golden Genome

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    • Author of a unique technology for working with the subconscious at the genome level, the “Golden Genome”, which helps improve emotional, mental, and psyche health. By changing the frequency waves of the brain and its neuro settings, you are able to quickly come to the life of your dreams, to combine deep spiritual comprehensive knowledge of spiritual evolution with the external physical abundance of life and real happiness.

    • Founder of the international wellness project IT BRAIN, uniting people striving to prolong life and youth.

    • Investor and philanthropist in the development of neurological science and helping children who are at risk of dangerous brain diseases.

    • Writer, author of the bestseller “Deciphering the Genome of Humanness” - a research scientific work using the ancient knowledge of runology.

      RAFAEL Faizirahmanov


      • The author of a unique technology for understanding the Universe through neuro drawings.
      • Writer, author of the “Book of Life. Letter to the Future” biography, which narrates the deep purpose of all humanity.
      • Co-author of the book “Deciphering the Genome of Humanness”
      • Rafael has gone through a unique path of real awakening of consciousness, self-awareness, which he transmits along the “Golden Genome” path.
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      IT BRAIN

      The Golden Genome is available on the IT BRAIN mobile app, providing you with an easy and comfortable way to progress along this path. Lessons within the app will be accessible every Tuesday and Thursday.

      You can download the app right now:

      IT BRAIN — is an international wellness project that unites people seeking to extend life and youth



      IT BRAIN

      The Golden Genome is available on the IT BRAIN mobile app, providing you with an easy and comfortable way to progress along this path. Lessons within the app will be accessible every Tuesday and Thursday.

      IT BRAIN — is an international wellness project that unites people seeking to extend life and youth

      You can download the app right now:

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      LLP Consulting IT

      Copyright © Anna Kamallaya Hefors